Sections of the Comintern
Founding of the Communist International, Arthur Ransome 1919
Writings of the Early Comintern
The Communist International: Organ of the E.C.C.I.
- Biblography: Press of the Communist International (Until February 1st, 1921)
- Appeal to Workers and Sailors, The Group of English Speaking Communists in Russia, 1919
- Bela Kun, in Pravda 1918
- To the Workers and Soldiers of the Allied Countries, Karl Liebknecht 1918
- Rosa Luxemburg, 1918-1919
- Revolution in Germany, 1918-1923
International Press Correspondence The international news service for the Communist International printed in multiple languages for use by all the worlds communist newspapers and journals
First Congress, March 1919
Reports of the Congress
- The Third, Communist International, Lenin, 4 March 1919
- Won and Recorded, Lenin, 5 March 1919
- The Founding of the Communist Interntional, Lenin, 6 March 1919
- Great Times, Trotsky, 6 March 1919
- The Third International and its place in History, Lenin, 15 April 1919
From the First to the Second World Congress (Trotsky)
- To Comrades of the Spartacus League
- A Creeping Revolution
- En Route: Thoughts on the Progress of the Proletarian Revolution
- French Socialism on the Eve of Revolution
- Jean Longuet
- On The Coming Congress of the Comintern
Circular Letter on Parliamentarism and the Soviets, September 1, 1919
Capitalist England – Socialist Russia, (to the British soldiers) 1919
Open Letter from the Comintern to the IWW, Jan 1920
Preparing for the Second Congress, Lenin (June/July 1920)
- Preliminary Draft Theses on National and Colonial questions
- Kommunismus, Journal of the Communist International
- Theses on Fundamental Tasks of the Second Congress
- Reply to Committee for Communist Party of Britain
Second Congress, July-August 1920
- Proceedings
- PDF of original first English edition of the Proceedings
- PDF of original first English edition of the MANIFESTO of the Second Congress
- Victor Serge’s Memoirs
Lenin’s Speeches
- On Terms of Admission into the Communist International
- On Article 20 of Terms of Admission
- Six Major Speeches at the Congress
Lenin (August 1920)
Congress of Peoples of the East, Baku, September 1920
- Summary
- Stenographic Record. Brian Pearce’s original translation in PDF format here
- To the German and French workers on Second Congress, 24 Sep 1920
From the Second to the Third World Congress (Trotsky)
- On The Policy of the KAPD
- Speech at Second World Conference of Communist Women
- Letter to Comrade Monatte
- Letter to Comrades Cachin and Frossard
- On L’humanité, Central Organ of the French Party
Report of Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Communist International
Telegram from E.C.C.I. to the United Communist Party of Germany
The Downfall of Levi, Radek
Excerpts from the Official Statement of the E.C.C.I. on Comrades Serrati and Levy, Zinoviev
Withdrawal of Five Members of the Central Committee of the United Communist Party of Germany
Third Congress, June 22-July 12 1921
Special collection of material from the Third Congress, translated by John Riddell
Agenda for the Third Congress of the Communist International
Trotsky’s Reports on the Third Congress
Lenin (July-August 1921)
- To First International Congress of Revolutionary Trade Unions
- Appeal To The International Proletariat
Profintern History Archive (1921-1937)
Fourth Congress, November 1922
- Selected Documents and Speeches [including new translations of documents from this Congress by John Riddell]
- Report on Fourth Congress, Trotsky, December 28 1922
- The 4th Congress: A Special Report on the Recent World Congress of the Comintern, J. T. Murphy, March 1923
- Documents 1923-1928 (PDF)
Lenin (November-December 1922)
- To First International Conference of Communist Co-Operators
- To Third Congress of the Young Communist International
The First Five Years of the Comintern, Vol 2 (1921-1923), Trotsky
The Second AND Third Internationals AND The Vienna Union, Official Report of the Conference between the Executives, held at the Reichstag, Berlin, on the 2nd April, 1922 and following days.
Fifth Congress, June/July 1924
- Theses on Tactics in the Trade Unions, Fifth Congress
- The Communist Party of Poland, Speech by Stalin
- The fight against Right and “Ultra-left” deviations, Stalin, Jan 22 1926;
- The Anglo-Russian Unity Committee, Stalin, July 15 1926;
- The Anglo-Russian Unity Committee, Stalin, Aug 7 1926;
- The Situation in Britain, Trotsky;
- The Struggle for Peace and the Anglo-Russian Committee, Trotsky;
- Through What Stage are we Passing?, Trotsky June 1924;
- Report on National and Colonial Questions, Ho Chi Minh
- On the Australian Labour Party, Dora Montefiore
- “Socialism in One Country”
Sixth Congress, July/August 1928
- The Programme of the Communist International, and Statutes
- The South African Question, Resolution adopted by ECCI
- The Struggle Against Imperialist War and the Tasks of Communists
- Report on Sixth Congress of Comintern, Stalin July 1928
- The Right Danger in the German Communist Party, Stalin 1928
- The Communist Party of the USA, Stalin 1929
- Criticism of the Draft Program of the Communist International, Trotsky
(The Third International after Lenin) - “Third Period”
15 Years of the Communist International, ECCI 1934
The Negro Worker (1928-1937)
Seventh Congress, August 1935
- Documents 1929-1943 (PDF)
- On the Seventh Congress, Trotsky 1935
- “Popular Front”
- Speeches
- Tim Buck: “30 Years” 1922-1952
- National Unity Policy 1942-43
Comintern dissolved
- Summary
- Mao on dissolution of Comintern
- Final Statement, May 15 1943
Post World War Two Settlement
Korea: The Lie that Led to War, John Pratt 1951
From Trotsky To Tito, James Klugmann 1951
Sino-Soviet Split 1956-1966
- Khrushchev’s Speech at 20th Congress, through to letters between Chinese and Soviet Central Committees