The Communist International 1919 – 1943


Petrograd Parade welcoming Comintern delegates in 1920
Sections of the Comintern


Founding of the Communist International, Arthur Ransome 1919

Writings of the Early Comintern

The Communist International: Organ of the E.C.C.I.

International Press Correspondence The international news service for the Communist International printed in multiple languages for use by all the worlds communist newspapers and journals

  First Congress, March 1919

Reports of the Congress

From the First to the Second World Congress (Trotsky)

Circular Letter on Parliamentarism and the Soviets, September 1, 1919
Capitalist England – Socialist Russia, (to the British soldiers) 1919
Open Letter from the Comintern to the IWW, Jan 1920

Preparing for the Second Congress, Lenin (June/July 1920)

  Second Congress, July-August 1920

Lenin’s Speeches

Lenin (August 1920)

Congress of Peoples of the East, Baku, September 1920

From the Second to the Third World Congress (Trotsky)

Report of Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Communist International
Telegram from E.C.C.I. to the United Communist Party of Germany
The Downfall of Levi, Radek
Excerpts from the Official Statement of the E.C.C.I. on Comrades Serrati and Levy, Zinoviev
Withdrawal of Five Members of the Central Committee of the United Communist Party of Germany

  Third Congress, June 22-July 12 1921

Special collection of material from the Third Congress, translated by John Riddell

Agenda for the Third Congress of the Communist International

Trotsky’s Reports on the Third Congress

Lenin (July-August 1921)

Profintern History Archive (1921-1937)

  Fourth Congress, November 1922

Lenin (November-December 1922)

The First Five Years of the Comintern, Vol 2 (1921-1923), Trotsky

The Second AND Third Internationals AND The Vienna UnionOfficial Report of the Conference between the Executives, held at the Reichstag, Berlin, on the 2nd April, 1922 and following days.

  Fifth Congress, June/July 1924

  Sixth Congress, July/August 1928

15 Years of the Communist International, ECCI 1934

The Negro Worker (1928-1937)

  Seventh Congress, August 1935

Comintern dissolved

Post World War Two Settlement
Korea: The Lie that Led to War, John Pratt 1951
From Trotsky To Tito, James Klugmann 1951

  Sino-Soviet Split 1956-1966

  • Khrushchev’s Speech at 20th Congress, through to letters between Chinese and Soviet Central Committees

The Communist International 1919 – 1943