History of the Paris Commune


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To the Democratic Socialists

Translated: from the original for marxists.org by Mitch Abidor;
CopyLeftCreative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) marxists.org 2005.

The discussions held at public meetings have been a stunning affirmation of the socialist sentiments of the people. These sentiments have manifested themselves in a significant way at electoral meetings.

But until now the socialist party has lacked the cohesion that would assure it its proper influence.

Convinced that it is important for socialism to affirm itself in a precise way

To set out its essential doctrines;

To formulate its program for the future;

To have the principles of socialism penetrate the masses and to prepare them for the new society;

To form a union of the different schools whose antagonisms, more apparent than real, could cause unfortunate confusion in people’s spirits;

A group of democratic socialists has believed it necessary to take the initiative and appeal to all the revolutionary socialists belonging to the different schools, communist, mutualist, etc., to call public meetings in which they will make an effort to carry out a total socialist instruction, and to constitute a socialist union through the affirmation of the principles common to all schools.

The first of these meetings will take place Saturday September 18 at 8:00 p.m. at the Salle de la Redoute, Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, no. 35.

The order of the day is: Socialism and the Socialists.

The second meeting will take place the 20th of this month, Rue de Paris, 8, Salle des Folies-Belleville.

The order of the day: Labor according to socialist principles.

The third meeting will take pace on Saturday the 25th, at the Grand Théatre Parisien, Rue de Lyon.

The order of the day will be: Instruction and education according to socialist principles.

Other meetings will be organized at a later date.

Please circulate this flier.

History of the Paris Commune